Thursday, February 25, 2010

This is what's up...

Setting your standards low.

I am a college student. Lazy. Poor. I fit the bill. Not to mention the fact that I live in the middle of campus, which gives me the right to roll out of bed 10 minutes before class. My typical morning routine consists of putting on my glasses, exchanging PJ pants for shorts or bluejeans, and shoving Disney Princess gummies in my backpack. Don't fret, I will be the first to tell you that I look like crap and, no, I do not often brush my hair.

"No, Cara, you don't always look like crap. You just look...relaxed..." Thanks Mike.

On the off-chance that I have not stayed up until 3 or 4 AM doing the equivalent of...nothing, it's quite a different story. I slap on some Bare Minerals (God's gift to women), straighten my hair (AND brush it), and put on a shirt that did not come from a thrift store (maybe.) I stroll downstairs after devouring a Fiber One Poptart, and it happens:

"Cara! Oh my god, did you dye your hair??" "CARA! You look so pretty today!" "Cara, why are you so dressed up?" "Hey, where are you going looking all fancy?" "Your make-up looks awesome today!" "Cara, have you lost weight?" "Cara, you just look like you know the cure for cancer!!"

Okay. Maybe not the last one.

The point is, if you set your standards low in semi-arbitrary aspects of life such as fashion (when you can get away with it), it totally pays off. I guess I could go ahead and mention the argument that if I dressed decently well every day, there's no telling the compliments I would get. But the truth is, once the whole world realizes that the half-off Forever 21 tunic that you fought for on Labor Day is as good as it's going to get, they quit caring. Before you know it, you'll have to wear a transparent prom dress with a live lemur as your hair piece for anyone to notice you.

Not that being noticed matters, but one compliment can make someone's day like 1,000 times better.

As much as I'd like to wrap it up and tell you to "aim low" because you'll never be disappointed, that's not the truth in every situation. Let's face it, a life "aimed low" is probably a really boring one.


  1. I get that all the time. I stopped trying to wear make up after people got used to it. It's almost a pain to wear it. I do try to dress up everyday though, even though I dont get compliments all the time. I like to seem somewhat professional to the people I am competing for jobs with. Ya know, intimidate them.

  2. More. I want more! And I think you always look pretty, even on days when you're relaxed.
